This is how I keep track of my workouts.  Hopefully it will inspire me to keep up a solid regimen, and maybe inspire you too!

Jan. 11-17, 2010

Monday- Upper body day: 5 min warm up on elliptical.  dumbbell bench press 4 sets 8-10 pounds, dumbbell fly 1 set 10 pounds, seated dumbbell press 4 sets 8 pounds, side raises 1 set 8 pounds, dumbbell rows 4 reps 8-10 pounds, seated dumbbell extensions 4 reps 8- 10 pounds, lying dumbbell extensions 1 rep 10 pounds, seated dumbbell curls 4 reps 8-10 pounds, standing curls 1 rep 10 pounds.  5 min cool down on Stationary Bike

Tuesday- Inspired from April‘s blog:

 What to do  For how long  Intensity (1-10)
 Warm up at 4.5 mph pace  5 minutes  3.5
 Jog at 5.5 mph pace  1 minute  6.5
 Jog at 5 mph pace  2 minutes  5
 Jog at 5.7 mph pace  1 minute  7
 Jog at 4.8 mph pace  2 minutes  4
 Jog at 5.5 mph pace  1 minute  6.5
 Jog at 5 mph pace  2 minutes  5
 Jog at 5.7 mph pace  1 minute  7
 Jog at 4.8 mph pace  2 minutes  4
 Cool down  5 minutes  3.5
 Total Workout Time:  22 minutes  

I swithched it up a bit and added a 40 sec sprint at 6.1.  A second cool down on the Stationary Bike for 12 min, then Abs for 5 min.  50 crunches and 24 side crunches.

Wednesday- Off

Thursday- Lower body: Warm up on Stationary Bike 3 min.  Leg presses 4 sets 115-135 lbs, leg extensions 1 set 12 reps 45 lbs, dumbbell lunges 4 sets 5 lbs, seated curls 1 set 12 reps 45 lbs, leg presses (calves) 4 sets 75- 115 lbs, standing presses 12 reps body weight, hip extensions 4 sets in and out 75- 115 lbs.  Abs 50 crunches 24 side crunches,12 leg lifts, cool down Stationary bike 11 min. (hope I’m sore tomorrow)




Jan. 4-10, 2010

Monday- worked on my feet for 7 hours…does this count?

Tuesday- Upper body day: 5 min warm up on elliptical.  dumbbell bench press 4 sets 8-10 pounds, dumbbell fly 1 set 10 pounds, seated dumbbell press 4 sets 8 pounds, side raises 1 set 5 pounds, dumbbell rows 4 reps 5- 8 pounds, dumbbell pull-overs 1 rep 5 pounds, seated dumbbell extensions 4 reps 8- 10 pounds, lying dumbbell extensions 1 rep 10 pounds, seated dumbbell curls 4 reps 8 – 10 pounds, standing curls 1 rep 10 pounds.  10 min cool down on Stationary Bike.

Wednesday- 20 min walk to run.  I started with a speed walk for 3 min then sped it up to a light jog for a min then up again to a full on jog for a min, then picked up the pace to a run for a min, then back to a walk. I repeated this 3 times then walked for a cool down for 5 min.  My HR hit an all time high of 209!!!! I couldn’t believe it!!!! I love this feeling of “I can do it!”

Thursday- Lower body day: 3 min warm up on Elliptical, Leg presses 4 reps 75- 142 pounds, Leg extensions 1 set of 12 45 pounds, dumbbell lunges 4 sets 5 pounds, straight leg deadlift 1 set of 12, angled calf raises 4 sets 5- 20 pounds, floor crunches 4 sets, leg lifts 12, cool down on stationary bike 10 min

Friday- Off (soooo sore!)

Saturday-  30 min hills on stationary bike

Sunday- 2 hour walk on the beach with Sean, 20 min football

Dec. 28, 2009- Jan. 3, 2010 This week and last week were very bad, I was sick and in Texas on Vacay…not really an exuse but it is what it is.

Monday- Off

Tuesday- Run/ walk on treadmil 20 min

Wednesday- Off

Thursday- Off

Friday- Off

Saturday-  Driving back accross Texas

Sunday- Driving home to CA!

Dec. 21- 27, 2009

Monday- quick walk

Tuesday- packing and maybe a run

Wednesday- Driving accross the California, Arizona, New Mexico

Thursday- Driving accross Texas

Friday- Sick with the Swine Flu on Christmas 😦

Saturday- Sick

Sunday- 15 min on treadmil walk/ run

Dec. 14- 20, 2009

Monday- Off

Tuesday- Off (oops)

Wednesday- Off (Finals are distracting me)

Thursday- Worked on my feet waiting on people for 8 hrs….let’s call that exercise)

Friday- Yoga 20 min flow

Saturday- work

Sunday- off

Dec. 10- 13, 2009

Thursday- Run/Walk 24 min 230 cal burned, 40 sit ups, 3 sets DB weights curls, arm extensions, shoulder presses.  Tonight is my Modern Dance class 5:30-8pm.

Friday- Cleaning the house top to bottom! I love a work out with no “work” LOL

Saturday- Off

Sunday- Walk/Run 21 min 195 cal burned, 100 sit ups, 3 sets 5 lb DB weights: curls, arm extensions, shoulder presses.